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Together with our SRA regulated strategic partners over at CTT Law Ltd, we are able to offer a comprehensive document drafting solution for all your client’s needs.

This offering includes high-quality document drafting services for processing documents such as:

  • Wills
  • Trusts
  • LPAs
  • Assignments and nominations

Our drafting team can also produce trust management documents:

  • Deeds of Appointment
  • Trustee retirement
  • Replacement
  • Loans
  • Appointments
  • Deeds of Variation
  • Trusts of land

We can also take responsibility for the submission of documents to the relevant bodies:

  • Submitting signed LPAs to the Office of the Public Guardian
  • Submitting signed Deeds of Severances to the Land Registry
  • Submitting Trust Registration to HMRC
Find out about our document drafting software