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In our fast-paced, digital world, it feels like almost everything is just a click away – except, it seems, setting up Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA). Professionals in the field have long voiced the opinion that the process for creating Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) is in dire need of modernisation. Now, those working in the sector are being called upon to contribute to this important change.

The Core Issues

For too long, procedures surrounding LPAs have been layered with delays and inefficiencies and it hasn’t gone unnoticed. The BEST Foundation, a non-profit, self-regulatory body dedicated to ensuring excellence in estate planning, recently voiced its concerns through an open letter to the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG). Highlighting the pressing need for reform, the foundation calls for the shared vision of the wider estate planning community – a streamlined, efficient LPA process that meets the demands of our modern world.

Creating Change: Jonathan Maskew

Heavily involved in this movement is Jonathan Maskew, CTT’s Director of Partnerships at CTT Group and a member of the BEST Foundation’s advisory board. Jonathan has used his uniquely dual role to drive forward the conversation on LPA modernisation with a clear message: it’s time for those experienced in delivering LPA services to step forward and contribute to shaping the future of estate planning.

“Modernising the Lasting Power of Attorney…where would you start? Over the last 12-18 months, I have actively participated in attending workshops and engaging with the OPG in their research,” Jonathan shares.

His commitment to this cause is evident in his continued efforts to bring about meaningful change.

“Whilst there are so many agencies and stakeholders, often with conflicting priorities, there is one thing I am sure we can all agree on…we MUST modernise the process – and for me, the online and digital route is the solution.”

Your Call to Action

Reflecting on Jonathan’s message and the efforts of the BEST Foundation, the move towards a more efficient, digital-first approach is not just a possibility—it is a necessity.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of modern life and digitise aspects of estate planning, ensuring that LPAs are as streamlined and accessible as possible becomes a priority.

The Office of the Public Guardian has extended an invitation to the estate planning community to participate in this transformative journey. By contributing your insights and experiences, you can play a crucial role in modernising the LPA process!

Join the Movement

It’s your chance to engage with the OPG’s research by completing their first-stage survey. If selected, your insights will be invaluable as we pave the way for a more modern, streamlined approach to estate planning.

As Jonathan stated, “For those who have experience in providing services for the delivery of LPAs, now is the time to engage, contribute and make a difference.”

Express your interest in taking part in research carried out by The Office of the Public Guardian, and complete the preliminary survey here.

At CTT Group, we know that digitisation and technology provide us with the means for improved communication and service. That’s why we’ve developed our use of AI and created “Digital Twins” – all in line with our clear strategy and vision for a future where LPAs are part of effective estate planning.